Modular Black Belt Program

*** This page is currently in production mode, but will remain live so those with access are able beta test. ***

Basic Rules

  • Belt colors are based on the colors associated with the modules, grips, and perspectives; Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, White, and Purple.
  • From White to Black belt it should take a student between 18 and 24 months to get their First Degree Black.
  • Modular Black Belts are not allowed to teach until they have completed a Modular Instructor Course.
  • Once certified as an instructor, Modular Black Belts are allowed to rank students up to one level below themselves. Example – 1st Degree Black can rank up to Red Belt. 
  • Modular Black Belts are not allowed to certify users in Modular or CRMIPT until they hold a certification in one of those disciplines.
  • Modular Certified Instructors are not allowed to create Modular Black Belts, unless they hold a Modular Black Black belt themselves, or are given permission by Bram or Mish.

Black Belt Curriculum

For those training under a live instructor and need to schedule an exam, use the link below.

  • 12 Basic Cuts
  • Grips & Perspectives
  • Safety (First 4 Commandments)
  • Basic concepts of Bram Speak
  • Proper Cutting & Biomechanical Shutdown 
  • 1-4-12 Standard
    • Forward
    • Reverse
    • Kata
  • 1-2-2 Standard
    • Forward
    • Reverse
    • Kata
  • Decision Points (1-4-12 / 1-2-2 Standard) Vs. Common Threads
  • Basic Switch Points
  • 5-2-4 Standard
    • Forward
    • Reverse
    • Kata
  • 2-3-12 Standard
    • Forward
    • Reverse
    • Kata
  • Decision Points/Common Threads Expanded – Standard
  • Switch Points Expanded – Standard
  • Modular Hubud
  • Closed 2 Matrix
  • 1-4-12 Backward & 1-2-2 Backward
    • Forward
    • Reverse
  • 2-3-12 Backward & 5-2-4 Backward
    • Forward
    • Reverse
  • 4 Backward Kata
    • 1-4-12
    • 1-2-2
    • 2-3-12
    • 5-2-4
  • Common Elements (Backward)
  • Decision Points Expanded (Backward)
  • Stirring
  • 1-4-12 Empty Hand Form/Drill
    • Empty Hand Applications
    • Kyusho (Pressure Points/Nerves)
  • 1-2-2 Empty Hand Form/Drill
    • Empty Hand Applications
    • Kyusho (Pressure Points/Nerves)
  • 5-7-6 / 5-6-7 Drill – New Drill
  • Pass 5
  • Remy Presas Empty Hand Flow
    • 5 Entries
    • Takedowns
    • Finger locking

1st Degree Black

  • 18-24 months from White to Black
  • Complete and test the entire Colored Belt Curriculum

2nd Degree Black

  • 12 Months Minimum (1 year) as 1st Degree
  • Modular in the Mirror Universe / Through the Looking Glass

3rd Degree Black

  • 24 Month Minimum (2 years) as 2nd Degree
  • Bolo Related to Modular

4th Degree Black

  • 36 Month Minimum (3 years) as 3rd Degree
  • Modular Instructor Certification

5th Degree Black

  • 48 Month Minimum (4 years) as 4th Degree

6th/7th/8th/9th Degree Black

  • 60 Month Minimum per rank (5 years)
  • What have you contributed back to the community?
  • Are you active in the Modular Community?

Black Belt Online Courses

Access to the belt curriculum is currently only available to Charter Instructors as we build and improve the online courses. They should be available to the public soon.

Answers for Clarification

With the addition of belt ranks to Modular, what happened to Skill Is Rank?

Like Commandment #1, “Steel cuts flesh”, the construct “Skill is Rank” never changes. It is expected that Modular instructors hold this value high. As they teach, whether it is a class of students with belts around their waist, or those training just to learn, the idea that skill is what is going to save your life for real must be upheld.

The original exclusion of a belt ranking system was to discourage the so called paper chasers. Bram never wanted to have people training just so they can reach the next rank. Modular Knife was developed as a simple way to teach the masses how to save their lives in combat, not for people to put certificates on their wall.

The addition of a belt ranking system to Modular is not meant to diminish the methodology. It is a tool to help the system grow and flourish. There are many people training in Modular who are not interested in becoming instructors, but would like some acknowledgment of where they are in their training.

I am an instructor who has been training for years, do I still need to wait 2 years for a black belt?

If you have been doing Modular for 20 years it’s not going to take 18 to 24 months to get a black belt; First, second, or third. The time frames for rank are all based on somebody starting out brand new. If you have been truly training for 20 years, regardless if you haven’t seen Bram in 10, then all you need to do is show us what you know. There are pieces of the curriculum Bram does not specifically teach, but I do. Or there are new concepts Bram has focused on and you haven’t been around to train them. That’s where it becomes a fill in the blanks. If you have been doing this for 20 years, then you can fill in the blanks in a weekend or two.

Do we have to do the Black Belt program?

No. This is a new program, not a replacement for the Instructor program. They run parallel to each other. We have simply created another path people can take on their Modular journey. Some people don’t want to become an Instructor. It is also not a required program. It is purely optional. However, it is highly encouraged that all of Bram‘s longtime instructors to go through it as a show of support for Bram and CSSD, to help the program grow. But again, it is not required.

How do I schedule an exam?

Follow this link to schedule and pay for an exam. Mish or Bram will schedule a video Zoom call for testing.

Schedule an Exam